All information according to § 5 TMG.
Address: POHL Metal Systems GmbH, Robert-Bosch-Str. 6, 50769 Cologne
Phone: +49 221 70911-0, Fax: +49 221 70891-23,
Represented by: Gerhard Heise, Holger Krehl
Register entry: Entry in the commercial register. Register court: Cologne Local Court, register number: HRB 102259
Value added tax ID in accordance with §27 a of the Value Added Tax Act: DE 332227420
Address: Pohl Inc. of America, 6161 West Double Eagle Circle, West Valley City, UT 84118, USA
Phone: +1 801 988-1305, Fax: +1 801 988-1310,
Represented by: Heinrich Robert Pohl, Greg Altotsky
Address: pohltec fassaden GmbH, Leitenweg 7, 89312 Günzburg
Phone: +49 8221 2066-0, Fax: +49 8221-2066-399,
Represented by: Heinrich Robert Pohl, Matthias Zimmermann, Josef Deil
Register entry: Entry in the commercial register. Register court: Local court Memmingen, register number: HRB 16715
Sales tax ID according to §27 a sales tax law: DE 122801219
Address: flexus Metalltechnik GmbH, Alte Pumpe 9, 29410 Salzwedel
Phone: +49 3901 303070, Fax: +49 3901 303075,
Represented by: Heinrich Robert Pohl, Konrad Kaiser
Register entry: Entry in the commercial register. Register court: Local court Salzwedel, register number: HRB 24771
Sales tax ID according to §27 a sales tax law: DE 815723218
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All information on this website has been compiled after careful examination, but does not constitute a guarantee of product characteristics. The POHL Group is liable to the extent specified in the terms and conditions of sale and delivery. Passing on and reproduction of the contents offered here are only permitted with the written permission of the POHL Group. We reserve the right to make changes in the interest of technical progress. The POHL Group reserves the right to change the data mentioned without notice and assumes no liability for technical inaccuracies and/or omissions.
The companies of the POHL Group are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.